
Kimono for men

Original price was: 350,00 €.Current price is: 295,00 €.

Kategooria: Silt:


Kimono for a man, made by love, 100% natural materials, handmade by Nele Tasane

EST | Tegin esimese kimono kõigepealt iseendale. Aga alati kui seda kandsin tulid inimesed mu juurde ja uurisid, kust ma selle saanud olen. Olen hetkel Kreekas ja vaatamata sellele, et siin on väga palav on see kimono endiselt tähelepanu keskpunktis, sest lisaks sellele, et ta pakub kaitset jahedatel õhtutel, on ta ka hea kaitse sääskede eest. Eriti sobilik on ta just pikkadeks väliüritusteks. Kimono tegemise ajal lugesin sellesse ühte kaitsepalvet, mille andis mulle teadjanaine edasi Lehtse Valve.

Kirjutan selle ka siia: Valgus on mu ees, valgus minu sees, valgus minu ümber ja mina valguse sees. “Laps, see on kõige tugevam kaitse, kui selle endale peale loed ei vaja sa midagi muud,” ütles ta mulle.

Kõik mu kimonod on valminud armastusest, olen teinud nad käsitööna, valinud hoolega kangaid ja detaile. Kasutan vaid 100% naturaalseid kangaid, selle kimono materjal on puuvill, nii kangas kui detailid on Ateenast, kohalikelt tootjatelt. Kimono hingab, pakub sooja ning kaitset sääskede eest. Samuti saad kasutada seda õues magamisel tekina või võtta istumise alla kui puhkad looduses.

Kimonoga saad kaasa ka käsitsi valmistatud käeehte!

Tasuta kohaletoimetamine Eestis ja Kreekas

ENG | First I made the kimono for myself. But whenever I wore it, people came up to me and asked where I got it from. I’m in Greece at the moment and even though it’s very hot here, this kimono is still the center of attention because in addition to providing protection on cool evenings, it’s also a good protection against mosquitoes. It is especially suitable for long outdoor events. While I was making the kimono, I read a protection prayer into it, which was passed on to me by a wise old woman, Lehtse Valve. I will write it here:
The light is in front of me, the light is in me, the light is around me and I am in the light.
“My child, this is the strongest protection, if you read it for yourself, you don’t need anything else,” he told me.
All my kimonos are made with love, I have made them by hand, carefully selected fabrics and details. I use only 100% natural fabrics, the material of this kimono is cotton, both the fabric and the details are from Athens, from local producers. The kimono breathes, offers warmth and protection against mosquitoes. You can also use it as a blanket when sleeping outdoors or take it under your seat when you are relaxing in nature.
When you buy a kimono you get also a handmade barcelet!

Free delivery to Estonia and Greece



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